The ONLY Kingdom-Driven Physique Transformation Program for Christian Men, regardless of Biblical head-knowledge or workout experience, that ignites dormant passions, inspires true potential, and unleashes the Warrior of God that has been longing to break free!

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We'll Guide You Step-By-Step to achieve a "Kingdom-Warrior Physique" While also Conquering Passiveness, Uncertainty, and DEMOLISHING the Fear of Being Stuck or Idle as you Step Into Your God-Given Purpose.


This Means that in just 16 Weeks, you’ll build MUSCLE, increase TESTOSTERONE, and sculpt a LEAN PHYSIQUE, all while walking in authority, boldness & passion towards the amazing MISSION that God has planned for you…


Seriously! This is not a marketing ploy. I only work with 50 people at a time (total) and this exclusive group is almost maxed and then the investment will go up. Read each and every word on this page and respond quickly. 

What’s up!

Mitch Muller here…


Whether you heard about this opportunity from one of my emails, Instagram, TikTok, or any other avenue...

I want to say congrats on responding quickly and reaching out about my brand new case-study program, “Kingdom Fit Academy - The Christian Man’s Fitness Solution for Discovering, Igniting & Excelling in Kingdom Purpose.”

You’re obviously interested in reigniting your fire for God and living out the awesome purpose that He’s called you to…and this is a great first step in doing so!

Now, I’m a normal guy just like you, but I LOVE teaching other Christian men how to discover their God-given purpose in life, and then cultivate their passions around that purpose – helping them break out of passivity, setbacks or past wounds, and finally stepping into everything that God has intended for them as MEN.

But why the heck should you listen to me? Well, you don’t have to, of course, but over the past 15+ years I’m someone who has seen rock bottom and experienced the hardship (in many areas) that we as men face, inside and outside of the gym.

I can boast about this weakness only because Christ set me free. He healed me from my past, He gave me a new vision, and He set me on FIRE for taking back territory for the Kingdom of God! My story used to be a hindrance, but now it’s a WEAPON.

My testimony is unique because God used fitness and the gym as a “training ground” for the spiritual principles that He was trying to teach me. I don’t know about you, but I love feeling empowered by God’s Spirit in the gym – there’s nothing quite like it!

I figured if God could take me, this broken man, and mold him into a weapon against the enemy – living life on FIRE for Jesus, following His plan, walking in Kingdom purpose, AND leading my family to do the same…then WHY wouldn’t He do the same for you?

I truly believe that this is my purpose in life and now I want to help you achieve the same results and more as a Man of God. This isn’t just spiritual training, this is training for all aspects of life. I find it extremely awesome that even in developing healthy fitness and lifestyle habits, God will STILL show up with new revelation.

Fitness is just an avenue that God is using to reach MEN, and prophetically I believe THIS YEAR will be the largest growth of Christian men that we’ve seen in decades, possibly ever.

I’ve realized that you don’t have to be an ordained minister or pastor to walk in the power of God as a Kingdom man; you only need to be taught how to take action on, and use the Biblical tools that Jesus modeled for us.

Nowadays, my focus has shifted from taking on normal, every-day fitness clients to helping Christian men transform into MEN OF GOD, while at the same time giving them my time-tested blueprint to complete physical transformation. Why not both?!

Bottom line, I’m on a mission to help HUNGRY guys just like you reach the next level of untapped potential that has been itching to get out.

Your God-given purpose is TOO BIG to stay in an idle place any longer, and it’s time to cultivate it and set it loose! And why not look and feel like a lean & muscular STUD at the same time?!


Back in 2020, I started a private, online coaching program - Mass Construction - exclusively for men who were looking to build their first 10-20 pounds of muscle and get shredded which would help them finally see the confidence that they’ve been missing.

There was only ONE BIG problem with that: I was coaching with the passion that God gave me, but I wasn’t walking in my purpose. Essentially I was helping men look and feel amazing about themselves, but the Holy Spirit whispered in my ear one day: “What good will all this muscle do if it’s not used for Kingdom work?”

 Ouch. Have you ever had the Holy Spirit check you like that? At the end of the day, it was awesome to see so many men become empowered to change their fitness lifestyle, but I had a deep longing to DO MORE.

 These men needed Jesus. They needed to be ignited to live in the purpose that God has for them, not just “becoming the best version of themselves”.

 I’m going to be completely transparent with you here...Even with the calling that God gave me to help these men, He still needed to complete a new work IN ME first. He knew that I couldn’t step into my calling unless I was set free and healed…

In early 2021 I reached the lowest point of my life. I was so frustrated with myself that I almost quit coaching altogether. For real.

I felt real depression for the first time in my life. I was angry all the time. I started to question my purpose and why I was even here.

I even began to question my relationship with the woman that God told me would be my wife. The enemy brought doubt and unbelief into EVERY area of my life. I was flat out lost. Ever been there?

BUT GOD. Even through all this pain that lasted over the course of 5 months, God USED what was meant for my harm and turned it into something miraculous.

The enemy tried to destroy me, BUT GOD had a purpose to heal me! Come on! The enemy tried to keep me bound but Jesus knelt down beside me and shattered my chains!

I have no choice but to be completely humble and open with you brother because if God didn’t accomplish that growth in me during that tough season, I wouldn’t be writing this to you today.

The truth is that God wants to do the same thing for you. You may need a form of healing or you may not, but the process is still the same.

Here are 2 questions for you that I want you to answer before reading on… 

1) RIGHT NOW, are you walking in the purpose that God has for you or not?

2) Deep down, do you believe that you have untapped potential that you’ve never used? Yes or no?

If you can honestly say that you’re hungry to step into your calling as a Kingdom Fit man of God, then keep reading.

I want to really hone in on a big obstacle that’s been standing in your way – and maybe you didn’t even recognize it…


The “Christian” space, especially on social media is filled with all sorts of pastors, teachers and coaches who will tell you all day long what to do to grow as a Christian man, but most won’t show you HOW to do it.

 They will tell you that you need to lead your family but won’t show you what that actually looks like on a daily basis.

 They will tell you that you need to fight back in spiritual warfare, but won’t equip you with any spiritual weapons to do so.

 They’ll tell you to fulfill the purpose that God has for you, but still don’t give you an action plan to follow in order to make that purpose a reality.

 Do you see what I’m getting at? The what isn’t really helpful unless you learn the how.

 So why is this type of teaching doing a disservice to you in the long run?


 You’re armed with the tactics but are never taught the STRATEGIES!

 You end up spending years of your life acquiring new information – possibly even GREAT teaching from amazing pastors, but you look back and realize that nothing in your life actually changed. Why??

 Because a plan of action was never clearly put in place. We as men LOVE action plans. It’s just unfortunate that most of today’s programs aren’t tailored for men. They’re tailored for everyone BUT men. I see a BIG problem with this.

 At this point you’re probably wondering, “Mitch, what’s the solution then?” I’m glad you asked!

The solution is your own personal Kingdom Transformation Coach.

 …Someone who’s already walked a mile in your shoes. That’s why it’s important to have someone there to guide you, not just tell you what to do.

 So with that said, it’s a pleasure to introduce to you…

The Christian Man’s Fitness Solution for Discovering,

Igniting & Excelling in Kingdom Purpose



Here’s the truth: Right now as a man, you 100% have untapped potential. God put gifts on the inside of you that are waiting to be let out, but first, there’s a process to this.

Remember how I just told you about that tough season in my life? Well, you may be wondering how God snapped me out of it…and that process is exactly how this program came into existence!

Over the course of 16 weeks, I’m going to work with a select group of highly motivated Christian men (Will you be one of them?) and guide them, step-by-step, to discover their true identity in Christ, to break free from their strongholds, ignite their passions and UNLEASH the courageous warrior within as they step into Kingdom purpose.

And what could be better than this?

Um…How about a system that gets you in the best physical shape of your life at the SAME TIME?

Basically, if you want to feel like a man, look like a man, reclaim your manhood, and live your life as a warrior for God, then you found the right program!

So what does all this mean for you? This means while we are personally growing together as men of God, and you’re getting revelation after revelation of God’s plans for your life, at the same time you’ll be experiencing physical transformation that will perfectly match the spiritual growth transformation that is taking place.

I’ve coined this process into a phrase called “Jacked on Jesus”, which is exactly what’s happening.

We’ll be making the “old you” thankful that he said YES to Jesus and YES to getting in the best shape of his life.

And I already know you…at the end of the day you’re ALREADY working hard.

The problem is that you don’t have the results to show for it that you thought you would.

Chances are that you’ve been missing a massive piece to the puzzle, and that piece is a PROVEN SYSTEM OF ACTION – something I call the K.T.P. (Kingdom Training Protocol).

We have to do the right things at the right time – in the right order!

This guarantees that you see consistent improvement and growth in your spiritual life as a man of God as well as your fitness life.

No more wasting precious years learning all the right things but never knowing how to actually implement them for results.

We’re gonna fix that for good…and I’d love to show you how if you’re ready to completely change your life starting today!





Well, that’ll depend on YOU. Because I’ll be teaching you week-by-week the exact same process that God brought me though in my spiritual transformation journey.

Every single thing was based out of God’s Word, but just like it says in the book of James: faith without works is dead.

We have to back our faith with ACTION that will produce the results that we want.

After all, I still had the choice to not listen to God’s instruction or not take any action at all towards my purpose, but I didn’t do that. My faith was stirred, so action followed.

Likewise, the same thing will happen for you if you commit to obedience and surrender to the Father!

 On the fitness side of things, you will be implementing the same process that I’ve used to get into single digit body fat and build 40+ pounds of muscle since my college days.

I’ve experienced a full spectrum of results in my physique transformation over the years, and it’s with that experience that I’ve created the Kingdom Fit Academy Program.”

I’ve gone through so much of the trial and error so you don’t have to! So I know the program is capable of delivering the promised results.

I will provide you with all the tools, but it only works as much as you do.

"It wasn’t just the training that changed me…it was the process that I learned to fall in love with. When you finally learn to enjoy the fitness lifestyle, the results always come.”

Just take some of my clients as examples…

This is Scott. Not only did his physique change DRASTICALLY, but he stepped into his calling at the same time!

“Mitch is a God fearing, people loving, muscle bound brainiac, who has created a system in training that will absolutely change your life if you follow this program and give it your all. I have personally been through his programming and I can say from experience, it has challenged me in many ways, beyond fitness. I was working construction when I started with Mitch, and before I even finished the program, I parted from my job to continue a lifestyle of ministering, using the platform of the gym life. The program has helped me build a confidence that shows up in my daily life at home, as a husband and father, and in the community as a leader. I am forever grateful for what the Lord has done and continues to do through this man and his training.”Scott T.

Or what about Jon… He not only went from 18% body fat down to 6%, but he gained 18 POUNDS of muscle in the process.

"I was SO happy to find a coach in the fitness industry that LOVES fitness and loves the Lord! What started as just a trainer and a client, has turning into a great friendship and I could not be more thrilled to be a part of the brand that Mitch has built! Mitch is an awesome coach and an even better friend. I can always say with confidence that Mitch Muller is the real deal and will without a doubt help bring great change to anyone’s life if they follow his coaching." - Jon W.

>> Schedule Your FREE Empowerment Session <<



The FIRST goal of this 16 week case study is to take 10-15 Christian men through a progressive process of spiritual growth – tackling the four main areas that most men struggle in – Each Phase is 4 weeks:

  • Understanding your true Identity as a man – WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE.
  • Freedom from struggles, setbacks and strongholds
  • Becoming Equipped in Biblical disciplines, spiritual warfare and operating in the Spirit
  • Stirring up your passions, gifts, talents and skills to uncover your God-given purpose


Along with this (Second goal), you’ll have the help of a practical weekly workout schedule that will give you an epic physical transformation at the same time! This training program will help you to:

  • Break out of stubborn fat loss plateaus to get rid of the extra pounds…
  • Build impressive new muscle even if you’re a “hard-gainer”
  • Finally achieve a “balance” in living a healthy lifestyle with clarity on what to do and how to do it…
  • Improve STRENGTH, power and explosiveness
  • Increase testosterone and IGF-1
  • Actually LOVE the way you look and feel in the mirror each day…

The best part? Each week you will be guided step-by-step through this system where each new level of spiritual growth ALSO comes with a new level of physical growth.

With each phase that you’re in, you’ll learn principles that not only work from a spiritual standpoint (Biblical), but in your fitness lifestyle as well. It’s a perfect marriage!

Now, if you’re accepted into the Kingdom Fit Academy case study program, over the next 4 months you will be equipped as a man to:


Conquer Pride & Destroy Vanity FOR GOOD
Eliminate the #1 Roadblock Hindering Your God-Given Purpose
Fix the “unfixable” In Your Relationships
Pray Power Prayers that Shatter Strongholds
Use the “Unfair Advantage” that Every Man of God Has Access to…
Learn the Hidden Secret of TRUE Masculinity
Learn How to Be Used by God 100% of the Time
Unlock Your Spiritual “Superpowers”
Destroy All Forms of Passiveness
Use the 3 Greatest Weapons that you Never Knew You Had!
Reignite Your Passions without the Burnout
Discover Your Ultimate Purpose with Clarity & Confidence
Implement Mitch’s 5 Step Massive Action Playbook for Living out Your Calling

If that isn’t awesome enough, you’ll also

achieve your best physical transformation

to date by implementing and learning new

strategies like:


The MANdatory FIRST STEP to Every Successful Fitness Transformation
The 3 Guaranteed Ways to Never Miss Your Target Fitness Goal
The Top 5 Ways To Cleanse Your “Temple” and Heal Your Gut
The Fail-Proof Fitness Productivity Schedule
The #1 Must-Have Technique in your Workout Arsenal
Mitch’s SECRET WEAPON For Muscle Growth: M.A.C. Sets
How to Recruit 40% More Muscle Fibers on Demand
The Mental Solution to Never Feel Weak Again!
The Top 5 Foundational Lifts to Skyrocket Gains, Strength & Testosterone
Strategic Workout Programming to Achieve Power & Explosiveness
The MUST-HAVE Workout Checklist To Never Waste Time in the Gym Again
The #1 Training Technique that NO ONE Uses!



  • Complete your weekly Kingdom Training Protocol (KTP): Spiritual Growth + Physical Growth Assignments/Trainings
  • You will have a custom meal plan created for you (if you are accepted into the full program), which is designed for the specific goal that we choose to go after
  • You will have access to me at all times via email and DM
  • Access to the private KFA Facebook Accountability Group
  • Weekly Check-Ins via email
  • Weekly LIVE Trainings and Q&A Group calls!
  • 1-On-1 45 minute Private Coaching Call each month
  • I will support you through the process and make needed adjustments to your program as necessary for your success and promised results.
  •  You can expect 100% commitment from my side. I will always be straightforward with you, keeping you accountable, and I expect nothing but commitment and trust from you as well.
  • You will be required to take before and after pictures and give a killer testimonial at the end of the program when you don’t recognize the man in the mirror!

    This is an intense 16 weeks designed to help you walk in your purpose as a man of God and help you achieve the health and physique that you’ve always wanted, if you’re willing to work for it.

    You ready?!


Kingdom Fit Academy is designed for Christian Men who:


Are hungry to become more like Jesus
Are eager to discover their God-given purpose and live it out daily
Seek to become healed and set free from the past, from bondage, from sin.
Want to become the leader of their family and set a new standard in the home.
Want to learn how to fight back against the enemy is spiritual warfare.
Seek to understand what true masculinity looks like from God’s perspective
Want to walk in anointing, power & authority
Want to finally release their God-given potential and make an impact in this world!
Love the fitness lifestyle and want to better themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually at the same time


I would encourage you not to apply for this program if you’re a man who:


Is currently a follower of Jesus but has little interest in spiritual growth
Feels like he already knows everything
Is unwilling to submit to a spiritual “covering” of men who can disciple you
Is already 100% satisfied with his relationship with God
Is not willing to commit at least 2 hours per week to spiritual growth and 1 hour per day for physical exercise
Does not love the fitness lifestyle and “doesn’t have time” to make health a priority
Does not have access (or can’t get access) to equipment and a complete gym (This isn’t your mama’s home workout program – we have WORK to do!)


To be completely honest with you, every program/coaching/mastermind I have personally invested in, there was no guarantee associated with it. 

Why? Because I can’t guarantee that you’ll use the tools that I give you. This gives you some skin in the game to see your plan through to completion.

 This Academy is no different than taking a full-fledged class for school. You are required to show up, learn, and take action on a weekly basis.

 I can however guarantee you my time, my passion, and my commitment as your coach to lead you to the greatest success that you’ve ever had in your walk as a Man of God.



As I’ve mentioned, you can’t step into your true calling as a Man of God by doing the same things that ever other man has been doing for decades.

Many Christian men have gotten to a place of “comfort” and complacency in life.

They’ve stopped growing, they’ve stopped learning, and they’ve stopped LEADING.

God doesn’t want that for you. But the question now becomes: Do YOU want that for you? Or are you ready for something more?

But here's another simple question for you: If you could look in the mirror 4 months from now and see a man who is on fire for God, who has become a leader in every area of his life, and who LOVES the way he looks and feels… wouldn't you be thankful that you said YES?

Want to know what MY VISION is for you?

My vision is that even before the first month is completed, you’ll already be stepping into purpose and conquering new territory for yourself, for your family and for the Kingdom.

You’ll break off old sin habits, destroy passiveness or feelings of being “stuck” or “idle” in your life. You’ll even have a full game-plan for the best physique transformation of your life.

We serve a God of the “suddenly”. SUDDENLY you will have a breakthrough.

SUDDENLY you’ll receive a new revelation that you never knew before.

SUDDENLY you’ll be changed into a man on fire with purpose and passion.

This is what will happen for you if you commit yourself to this process.

You already know that commitment always comes with investment. If you don’t invest in something, you won’t be inclined to finish it.

There has to be “skin in the game” or else the enemy will come into your mind and try to talk you out of it.

It’s like if you downloaded a $9 online eBook versus paying for a college course. Which one do you think you’d take more seriously?

The college course obviously, because you invested into it, therefore you’re more inclined to see it through to completion.

Kingdom Fit Academy is like a college course. Actually, it’s more like stepping up from college to the PROS.

I won’t lie and say that this 4-month coaching program will be cheap, because it won’t.

In fact, I will never offer this kind of mentorship for cheap simply for the reason that I just shared.

HOWEVER, this case study opportunity will be the LOWEST price it will ever be, RIGHT NOW. It’ll only increase from here…

The Christian men who want complete transformation in their spiritual, emotional, physical, relational & even financial lifestyles, will know the value when it’s presented.

If that’s you, then I’m excited to have you join the team! And even if that’s not you, I’m still excited because this means that God is still doing massive things in your life, you just may not be ready for this program yet – and that’s totally fine! It isn’t for everyone.



If you’ve read everything above and feel that this IS the program for you, CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to set up an Empowerment Session (strategy call) where we can go over the details of the program, pricing, as well as answer any questions that you have.

I want to make sure that you’re a perfect match for this Case Study as I’m excited to bring men on board who are HUNGRY for transformation! NO tire-kickers here.

Like I said, I’m on a MISSION to help the next 10-15 driven Christian men just like YOU to completely transform their spiritual and physical lives through a Biblical process that God used to transform ME. And in the next 4 months, I will complete that mission no matter what. The only question left is…Will you be one of the success stories?

I'm pumped to help you reach your God-given purpose as you follow Jesus and become more and more like Him every single day. I’m proud of you brother!

Just the fact that you’ve read this whole thing shows me that God has already begun a mighty work in you. Here’s to a very blessed season ahead!


>> CLICK HERE to book your Empowerment Session <<

Mitch Muller

P.S. Make sure to contact me ASAP and secure your spot because once the 15 slots are full, I will not take any more men for this Case Study!